Thursday, December 11

Product Red

“It’s a sickness,” my boyfriend would say. But he’d say that about any of my idiosyncrasies. Yeah, so, I like the color red — fire engine, candy apple, whorehouse, red-red.

I may have noticed a mild fever while looking to replace my classic 20GB iPod. After four years of dutiful service, it locks up when used to jog. Relentless research pointed me toward the 8GB nano. The new chromatics are hot. Eight of the nine colors are easy to find and price compare. The one I wanted, not so much.

A wise relative inquired, “Oh, but how will you choose a color, they’re all so pretty?”


It’s a no brainer really. The color does something to my psyche. Many of my possessions are red. Vehicles: red — to be expected of a Ducati, but not necessarily an ‘87 VW. My toaster, French press, salt and pepper grinders: all red. My leather couch: red. Variations of the color like maroon, or burgundy, or fuchsia will not do. A little metallic fleck intermixed, sure — especially on speedboats and Cameros.

Come to find out, Apple likes red too. They’ve even given their red items a special name: (PRODUCT) RED. And because they give a portion of the purchase price to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa, they are sold exclusively by Apple — well, almost. There are a few select web stores offering them online.

For those in the market, I am gonna let you in on a little secret. Amazingly, the cheapest place I found a 4th generation iPod nano 8GB – (PRODUCT) RED was through Apple. A few sellers on eBay had them but the bids were higher than Apple’s price. Shop around, but don’t forget about Apple.

You’ll be happy to know that my new nano arrived the other day. It’s beautiful; matches my toaster. Okay, maybe it is a sickness; but this time, at least, it helped to fight one of greater gravity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RED Glorious RED! How does it work jogging? What color is your new Mini-S going to be? Let meee guess.
Enjoy the Nano. RR